Opening up Medical Manager

Opening up Medical Manager

Medical Manager was one of the best-selling practice management systems in the US, but has not been supported by WebMD/Emdeon. Now an open source company, SynSeer is helping Medical Manager users to make better use of their system. The project, Mm2mm (Medical Manager to MirrorMed ) is narrowly focused on creating scripts to allow data migration, but the website also presents a set of loftier goals.

  • Migrate a Medical Manager database to MirrorMed without the use of the Medical Manager reporting tool. (So everyone can use it).
  • Allow MirrorMed to serve as an EHR in parellel with Medical Manager as a practice management system. This way a practice could use MirrorMed to go "paperless" and continue to use Medical Manager for billing and scheduling.
  • Use mm2mm as a reporting engine. Since we need to convert to SQL anyway, we will provide tools for reporting against Medical Manager data.
  • Use FreeB as a billing engine for Medical Manager. For those who are not interested in an EHR but find the Medical Manager billing system limited or unsupported.

If you are a Medical Manager user trying to figure out what to do, go check it out.

And if you want to learn why some consider Medical Manager to be the Enron of Medical Informatics.


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