Thomas Jefferson embraces telehealth

Just slightly ahead of their timeThomas Jefferson was an innovative guy, so I guess it should come as no surprise that his namesake university in Philadelphia is embracing telehealth in a big way. Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals CEO Dr. Stephen Klasko is in a hurry to transform healthcare delivery, and sees telehealth as a key enabler. TJ has gone so far as to invest in American Well, the telehealth platform company I've profiled in the past.Klasko is focused on keeping patients out of the hospital and especially the emergency department. He also sees the potential to make better use of specialists' time --letting them quickly dispatch patients with minor issues and provide greater access for those with serious concerns.Fifteen years after eVisits were commercialized, virtual care seems to be coming into vogue. Why now? As usual with major changes, there is a convergence of various factors.

  • Everyone --patients as well as doctors-- has a high-powered smartphone in their pocket, which is capable of amazing things like full motion video. No need to go to a specialized facility or even to a computer
  • Patients have financial incentives to avoid costly care
  • Providers are facing overwhelming demand from newly insured patients along with new  value-based payment models that encourage efficiency
  • Consumers are coming to expect online interaction with healthcare that feels like how they interact in every other aspect of their lives. Doctors and nurses feel the same way

The next few years will be monumental for digital health. I can't wait to see how it all credit: Declaration Drafting Committee, after Jean Leon Gerome Ferris via photopin (license)—By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


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