Telehealth for nursing homes. Podcast interview with Curatess CEO Paul Knight

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Paul Knight HeadShotCOVID-19 has spurred a dramatic shift to telehealth. It's also devastated nursing homes, which have suffered tremendous loss of life. But I'd heard very little about how nursing homes are using telehealth during the pandemic --at least until I spoke with the CEO of Curatess, Paul Knight.In this podcast, Paul and I discuss:

  • How nursing homes became ground zero for COVID-19 infections and deaths
  • The role of telehealth in nursing homes during the pandemic
  • How the nursing home telehealth experience differs from the prototypical televisit
  • Best practices for nursing homes considering deployment of telehealth
  • How nursing homes will evolve during the pandemic and what role telehealth will play

By healthcare business consultant David E. Williams, president of Health Business Group


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