Boston Globe quotes David Williams about 2nd shot cancellations

Some urgent care clinics have run out of vaccines and cancelled follow-up shots for certain patients. It’s maddening for affected patients, but not a public health problem assuming those shots are given to someone else instead.

David Williams is quoted in the Boston Globe (CareWell clinics telling patients their second COVID-19 shots are canceled, triggering wider vaccination anxieties)

“It’s not surprising,” said David Williams, president of Health Business Group, a Boston management consulting firm. “When you’ve got millions and millions of doses being administered every week, you’d expect to have some sampling of this. You can’t expect everything to go smoothly.”

Delayed appointments are “certainly an inconvenience for the person who was planning to get a second shot, but it’s not a public health problem,” Williams said.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

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